Human Braking Performance Consultancy
Damian is world-renowned for his research innovation and impact he has made to advancing knowledge and understanding around the importance of deceleration and change of direction for athlete performance and injury-risk reduction. He provides consultancy and professional development on all areas connected to the assessment, monitoring and training of deceleration in multi-directional speed sports and has worked with a vast array of high-performance organisations and technology companies.
Individual Online
Individual sessions focused specifically on providing support and advice on areas selected by you that will help to advance your knowledge and practice of assessing, monitoring and training deceleration and change of direction for athlete performance and injury-risk reduction.
Group Online
Online live group presentation with open discussion around topics discussed. Presentations tailored to specific organisational requirements focusing on assessment, monitoring and training of deceleration and change of direction for athlete performance and injury-risk reduction.
Group In-Person
In person group professional development sessions tailored to organisational requirements. Incorporates blended learning of theory and practice focused on assessment, monitoring and training of deceleration and change of direction for athlete performance and injury-risk reduction.
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