Human Braking Performance Media

  • Books

Chapter 5: Deceleration in Sport: Incidence, demands and implications for training?

  • Podcasts

Deceleration ability: Testing, developing underpinning qualities, and the braking performance framework

Proficient deceleration

  • Webinars

Linking horizontal deceleration with change of direction testing. With Ola Eriksrud (1080 motion)

Developing deceleration ability. Live roundtable with Lee Taft and Iva Casagrande

Testing and training deceleration ability. Live roundtable with Mark Jamison and Ted Rath

  • Blogs

Deceleration insights for team sports

Measuring deceleration capabilities: What to measure and how to measure it?

Sci of MDS

Horizontal deceleration: A critical, but often overlooked for speed performance and injury-risk reduction in multi-directional sports

Sci of MDS

Deceleration: The most mechanically demanding task in multi-directional sports?

Sci of MDS

Don't speed up what you can't slow down! How are we assessing our athletes horizontal deceleration capabilities?

Sci of MDS

Eccentric strength training for improving horizontal deceleration ability: The use of the braking performance framework.

  • Conferences

Kinesport Symposium 2021

Presentation Title:
Assessing Change of Direction: Detecting Athletes Susceptibility to Injury – Importance of Deceleration Phase

1080 Summit 2022

Presentation Title:
Let’s not Forget about Deceleration! Importance for Speed Performance and Injury-Risk Reduction in Multi-Directional Speed Sports. 

UKSCA Annual Conference 2022

Presentation Title:
Deceleration: Importance for Speed Performance and Injury-Risk Reduction in Multi-Directional Speed Sports

Sportsmith Speed Conference 2023

Presentation Title:
Deceleration: The Most Overlooked Aspect of Athletic Movement Speed 

Cutting Edge: Driving Performance Through Innovation Conference 2023

Presentation Title: 
The Future of Athletic Monitoring: Deceleration and Braking Performance

Isokinetic Football Medical Conference 2023

Presentation Title: 
The Complex and Damaging Demands of Decelerations in Football

ECA Women's High Performance Advisory Group 2024

Presentation Title: 
The Potentially Damaging Demands of Deceleration: Do we Adequately Prepare Players? 

NBA Health & Performance Meetings 2024

Presentation Title:
Changing Pace for Injury Mitigation: Importance of Deceleration Training

EINS-A coaching

Football Athletic Conference 2024

Presentation Title:
Developing the Qualities Needed to Decelerate and Brake Rapidly

AUT Strength & Conditioning Conference 2024

Presentation Title:
Deceleration: Why is it so Important for Athletes Competing in Multi-Directional Sports?

Scandinavian Sports Medicine Congress 2025

Symposium Title:
Hit the Brakes: Deceleration Ability and Insights into Lower Limb Injury.

Presentation Title:
Deceleration and Braking for Sports Performance and Injury-Risk Reduction.